Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I don't live here anymore

'Cause I'm no longer anxious and my name's not really Jane.


I'd go black and blue

I'd go crawling down the avenue.

Shitty day, but lovely Adele.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The new life

Back to school tomorrow. 10 weeks til holidays!


Mates for 10 years. No idea the other was in Lagos on that very night, let alone the same bar.


My brother is sending me daily updates from wherever he happens to be on the sunny continent. Paris, Spain and now Portugal. I send him updates from my desk, he is not so interested in teaching framework or science experiments. I feel like he will walk into my room at any second, lay his giant self on my bed while I'm typing away and start with the line that so often begins all his conversations with me: "Hey, so I've got an idea..."

It's odd not to have him around, if I think about it too much I start over-evaluating my own life, which never can be a good thing, especially for an anxiety ridden Pisces! So I won't. I'll just sit here and refresh Facebook every 5 seconds looking at the photos of crisp blue skies, chocolate croissants and cigarettes. And plan my jaunt over there.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Montmatre, via Flavour Tang.

Layne flew to Paris yesterday. He is safely halfway, or thereabouts, in Beijing. He had Pizza Hut for breakfast because the only other option open in the terminal at 5am on a Sunday was Flavour Tang, which had plastic samples of all their meals in the window. I saw this when I went to Tokyo and thought it was the most naff thing I'd ever seen. Baby brother thinks so too!

See ya, Chingy.

Come home to me soon, you.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Dearly betrothed

I'm at an 80 year old couple's wedding. I can't explain how or why, the story is far too complex ( read boring). I'm taking pictures of myself to keep entertained. And arguing the difference between luge and skeleton.

How much do you wish you were me ?